What to Do in a Job-Hunt-Rut / by Pocketbook Agency

Applying for jobs can feel like a full-time job itself. Especially during a pandemic that has left people unemployed and searching in a job market with limited options, the job hunt can feel exhausting.  


You might be in a job hunt rut if you’re feeling discouraged and unmotivated after a period of job searching with no positive outcomes. Here are some tips and things to consider if you feel like you’re lost or stuck in your job search. 


Take a Break.

Especially in the COVID climate, it can be really hard to stay motivated and keep applying for jobs. Elle Hall, a PBA Recruitment Specialist, tells those who feel lost or stuck in their job search, “Take a break! The job hunt can be a long tough journey. If you’re in a rut take a break and take care of yourself. Give yourself a week to fully check out of the grind and use your time to be active or creative.” Taking time away from the stress of applying to jobs can be rejuvenating and give you new perspectives for when you start looking again.


Personal Development and Confidence.

Whether you decide to take a break from the job hunt or move forward in your search, it’s important to remain confident. Receiving rejections is difficult and can be damaging to your self-esteem. Still, confidence is incredibly important and will make you stand out more as a job candidate. Taking the time to work on yourself, rebrand yourself, engage in self-care, and prioritize your mental and physical wellness despite rejections can be incredibly beneficial. You can do this by scheduling times for self-care in your daily routine. Make physical changes, get a new wardrobe, update the aesthetics of your resume, pick up a new hobby. These things will be reflected positively in interviews and will boost your confidence in a way that could make you feel refreshed and ready to start searching again.

Patience is key.

Your job search could take days, weeks, months, or even years. It’s important at this time to remain patient. Take the time to plan and do research. If you put a little more work into your foundation rather than quickly sending out multiple applications a day, you may find you will find quality positions much quicker. Producing quality over quantity and taking the time to really focus on each position you’re applying to will go a long way.

Add some variety.

If you’re feeling stuck, a change of scenery may help. PBA Recruitment Specialist Isabella Ra advises, “stop looking for jobs from bed, maybe sit at the kitchen counter, put on your favorite music, and light a nice candle. Set the mood for your job search.” It could also be beneficial to go to a friends’ house, a library, or a café to do work so you can keep your home a work and stress-free zone. Isabella also advises job searchers to consider finding a partner to help you with your search. Isabella says, “get a job buddy. Keep each other accountable and updated on your job search progress, it’ll be more fun if you have someone to motivate you.”

Networking and reaching out to a recruiter.

At any point in your job search or professional career, it’s important to network. Making genuine connections with people can lead to future jobs. Reach out to your connections and set up a time to talk about your goals. It is also a good idea to consider talking to a recruiter or employment agency about your situation and goals. Pocketbook Agency is always eager to talk to and help individuals who are struggling. PBA can provide resume and career advice as well as referrals. Having discussions with people in your field or those who may have job connections for you can help you achieve your career goals.

Learn a new skill.

Elevate your situation by learning something new–take an online course that will make you desirable to employers. Consider taking a class to learn a new language or a course that specializes in new computer software or graphic design. Become an expert with social media, brush up on your writing skills, do whatever you need to become a more well-rounded job candidate. These skills will help you stand out on paper and can broaden your scope of attainable positions. 

Volunteer and Experiment.

If you’ve been unhappy in previous positions, job searching can provide you with a lot of new opportunities. Take this time to search for positions that may have previously been out of your comfort zone. It’s better to try and gain more experience applying or interviewing than regretting not taking a chance. You never know where your job search could lead you. According to Forbes, “If you’re not sure what type of role suits you best, be willing to experiment. You can do this through volunteer work or offering to do pro bono work for people you know.” It may feel uncomfortable to go from working a salary position to focusing on unpaid work, but if you’re in a financial situation where this is an option, volunteering can help you develop new skills, passions, and experience that can make you stand out to employers.

Mistakes will help you grow.

Making mistakes is important for your future growth. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and your own mistakes in your job hunt process will be lessons to help you improve in the future. The lessons you learn from your mistakes can help you find new opportunities in the future. It is important to always remember, “whatever your age, you’re still evolving as a person – not just as a job seeker. If you’re frightened of moving forward, you’ll never move forward.” (Forbes).

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